
Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD!

Psalm 150:6

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Slave Boy

The Slave Boy
The breeze blew his curly hair. He wished he could go somewhere
somewhere far from the old shack where he would never never look back.
He didn't want to slave all day, thrashed and hurried with out a pay.
His poor dear father long ago had also worked tireless so,
and so had grandfather even before, while the master merely watched from the door.
"Since the day's work is done, I suppose I'll go on a run,
through the same old favorite route, before the master does find out."
The boy ran as fast as he could , through brush and brier, moss and woods.
Until finally, catching his breath, he arrived at the top of the mount where beneath dropped to great depth.
He loved to sit there on the brink and watch the golden sun slowly sink,
and speak to Echo, his only friend, who lived there at the World's End,
thus the name he gave this place, where the sun smiled at seeing his face,
where all afflictions were left behind, where he had a clear and peaceful mind,
where no angry master yelled at him, no thrashes, no sadness, no suffering.
How he wished he too could live here where nature would freely give
food and shelter and friends to play, a night for rest and sun in day.
"Echo! How I wish I too
could be a free boy such as you!
Can we not for just one day
change places? Can we not, I say?"
Echo, he made no reply all he did was howl and cry.
The boy he saw he had no choice, but tried again in a louder voice,
"Echo! From whence comes your sorrow? Can we not switch just for tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow?" sang a little lourel, and Echo replied "Tomorrow? Tomorrow?"
He sighed, "I hope that in the world of tomorrow, there will be no more of this kind of sorrow."
And with this he trudged away, preparing for a tomorrow such as yesterday's.

Aye tomorrow, that is to say, his tomorrow is our today.
and although we have no longer slaves, there are still souls that we must save,
these souls are killed and away they'er thrown, as if their lives were not their own.
Let us then be good and just to those smaller, weaker, frailer than us.
Those who are different, who have no gold, those who are younger, those who are old,
those who are black, those who are white, those who lack speech, those who lack sight,
those who are larger, those who are small, special and loved and precious are all.
Let us learn from yesterday, and make our tomorrow better today.

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